They were dreaded words, words I didnt think I would ever hear...Dad, the swing is broken.
Now, I said before that this swing was made to last, but alot of that lasting took place before I got it...we've had it about 3 years and most of that time has been with boards that aren't fastening down as the seat...the old boards had rotted away.
I'm a little slow at getting things fixed so I just haven't gotten that done, but this was I looked out the window at the poor swing I could see that one side was on the the chains havent broken, they should have...the hook which held the swinging thing pictured was broken...I cant fix that I thought, I'll have to a new thing....and so the days and weeks and months passed as I continually forgot to stop at Wilson's Supply and buy something...I just kept forgetting.
While cleaning out an old barn a couple weeks ago I found these big mean looking heavy duty nails and thought to myself, "Now Dave, one of those just might work to fix the swing...
So, the day before Becca's birthday (my daughter) I got to working in the yard and spotted that sad lookin swing...The Swing has become and everyone knows it...Becca's Swing. I think her whole summer has been thrown off because the swing was broken.
So anyway, Becca's was not home and wouldnt be till after dark, so I had a wonderful surprise to give....and she would have to find it. It was great! She was thrilled with the mystery of the hidden surprise birthday present...
What a treat it was for me when she saw her swing!
So, well the fix isnt permanent, but maybe this spring when I fix the seat...see how it works. ;)
It was really quite sweet of you. I was sooooo excited!!